Minggu, 18 Mei 2008

The Power of Hydroxygen Plus by Mr Oxygen - Ed McCabe

Here is how Hydroxygen Plus works within the human body:
1. Hydroxygen Plus flows throughout the entire human body, cleansing and revitalizing, putting the mind in control of bodily functions, through processes and movements. The human system begins to manufacture its own vitamins, catalysts and enzymes.
2. Because of the primary effects described above, digestion improves, the intestines function normally, diverticuli disappear, bowels empty regularly and painlessly. Pain is generally alleviated as pockets of gas are removed and harmful compounds flush away. Ulcers heal quickly and headaches go away, as does the pain of arthritis, cancer and sickle cell anemia. Neurities requires extra rest.
Hydroxygen Plus contains 34 land and 44 ocean minerals and trace minerals kept in full solution by Deuterium Sulfate. It feeds each individual body cell a steady stream of 78 essential elements. It also eliminates toxic compounds in a stimulating chain reaction that creates an environment in which harmful bacteria and viruses can no longer thrive.
Life Force EnhancedSimeoneton, Lkhovsky, and Bovis postulated that the average human body radiates at a life force frequency of 6,500 angstroms. Microbes and other disease causing microorganisms radiate their life-forces at frequencies lower than ours. It is postulated that humans are only affected negatively by these primitive life forms if we let our own personal life force energies drop into their lower range. In other words, we let ourselves resonate at their level, instead of remaining unaffected by being above them. We drop our vibratory rate by using drugs or alcohol, smoking, being sedentary, and eating almost dead, processed, overcooked, and mineral empty convenience foods and liquids. Instead we should eat fresh, organic, life giving foods, grown on mineral and trace mineral rich soils. Bovis claimed cancer patients only radiated at 1,875 angstroms, the same measurements over refined white bread. Eating fresh live clean natural foods, that are radiating at high frequencies, is one of the secrets of proper nutrition.Just one drop of Hydroxygen Plus concentrate in six to eight ounces of water emanates 77,000 angstrom units of radiant life energy. Imagine the increase of your life force radiation if you take 10 to 15 drops, or work up to 25 drops, three times a day.
You know how good oxygen is for you. Just a little bit of Hydroxygen Plus every day, with consistency, and the cleansing and building processes begin and then continue.
Although Hydroxygen Plus already has enzymes and colloidal minerals in its formulation, to be sure you're getting optimum nutrition, I suggest supplementing with a full spectrum colloidal mineral supplement and digestive enzymes along with the Hydroxygen Plus. Then you will be sure to have enough basic oxygen, hydrogen, minerals, and enzymes.
The minerals in Hydroxygen Plus are absolutely necessary for 95 percent of your body's daily functions. Senate documents confirm commercial farming has caused our soils to become mineral depleted. Due to poor crop rotation, and the loss of valuable top soil from flooding and over irrigation, much of the natural minerals and trace minerals have been lost from today's food supply. When a body is lacking minerals, vitamins have little or no effect. Because Hydroxygen Plus's pristine sea source and ancient plant source ionic colloidal minerals are extremely small in size, and suspended in a liquid form, they are more readily absorbed and utilized by the body than minerals in tablet or capsule form.
For optimum cellular nutrition, and ease of detoxification, follow the label directions on the bottle. HydroxygenPlus is powerful -- a little goes a long way.I have already told you that only after first being combined with oxygen can the pollution and toxic wastes get out of our bodies. If we supplement with a lot of oxygen, after a long period of not having enough oxygen, we will quickly start flushing out our pollution, perhaps at a rate too quick for us to handle comfortably. Perhaps we will get loose bowels for a couple of days, or soreness in the joints, all signs of toxins flushing out and irritating us as they leave.
I'm 48 years young and my family tree is littered with arthritis. If I personally stop supplementation with oxygen long enough, the joint pain starts in me too. If I take Hydroxygen Plus and put the oxygen back in, for a while, as the toxins flush, pain increases only slightly, and then as I continue to supplement with oxygen and stay cleaned out, the pain subsides and then goes completely away. I have experienced this effect three times over the years. I am glad I did, since I know that due to these periodic cleanouts, I won't end up like my mom. She ignored my advice and passed on almost frozen, with gnarled arthritic joints. As long as I keep up my cellular oxygen levels, I don't get the regular colds and flues, and everyone I know who takes oxygen is- the same way.
To understand the detoxification process, let's take the case of my friend Gene, a martial arts instructor in America's heartland. Gene is 55 years old and runs a large martial arts school. He is well respected. As a karate enthusiast he has been kicked in the legs during practice over and over for years. He started on the Hydroxygen Plus and felt great right away, with lots more fluidity and energy. He put his students on it and they reported the same.
That is the classic response that many people have to an increase in blood and cellular oxygen levels going back to normal and kicking in.
Gene continued to take 25 drops (a high dosage) of Hydroxygen Plus concentrate three times a day. In a few weeks he reported feeling pain in his legs and knees and swelling in his lymph nodes. That was the Hydroxygen Plus creating hydrogen and oxygen, and delivering its minerals and enzymes, which the body was using to clean out and rebuild all the old injured leg tissue, and then to flush it out through the lymph system. In a few days the pain and swelling went away, the major "clean and repair" work being finished. He could have regulated his temporary cleansing reactions by lowering his dosage, but he didn't ask. Now he knows how it works. In the old days, before the overbearing presence of so much pollution, people who flooded their bodies with oxygen commonly reported scar tissues melting away.
There are four main differences between Hydroxygen Plus and all other oxygen therapies:
1. Where the cleansing oxygen comes from.
Instead of Hydroxygen Plus itself delivering oxygen into your body, Hydroxygen Plus doesn't have any great amount of oxygen in it, except a little bit in the chemical bonds of the product itself. Hydroxygen Plus actually causes lots of oxygen to be released over and over for hours into the body out of all the water that is already there! This action is much like the body's naturally occurring immune system creating hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, and then naturally breaking it down, as needed, into water and releasing oxygen to destroy harmful toxins and microbial invaders, H202 > H2O + 01.
Since the body is in charge of regulating the Hydroxygen Plus reaction, Hydroxygen Plus gives up all the nascent oxygen needed, but only exactly when, where, and as needed. It is postulated that very sick (toxic) people will get lots of oxygen, etc. from the Hydroxygen Plus, but a well-oxygenated, inner clean person will get only the little amount needed. Life knows what to do to sustain itself, and your DNA has the perfect blueprint for your health. All you have to do is supply your body the pure and correctly balanced raw materials, and it is amazing what it will do for itself.
2. The fewest side effects of the many oxygen therapies.
Elements that would normally result in toxic compounds cease to be threatening in the presence of Deuteron activity. In a measured time-release pattern, harmful toxic compounds are broken down into their base elements and flushed from the body, free from the usual side effect cleansing reactions associated with other forms of oxygen therapy. In other forms of oxygen therapy, peroxide, ozone, etc., large doses of oxygen instantly, upon application, oxidize or burn up all the toxic compounds they can reach, and are instantly used up doing so. It is almost as if the healing only can proceed outward, radiating from the point of application. The burst-then-nothing approach leaves half burnt toxic residues that still need to be flushed out. As the half oxidized toxic residues leave the body they irritate it, causing headaches, swelling, fevers, nausea, pain, rashes,etc.
Because Hydroxygen Plus acts in a time release fashion, slowly reaching peak activity six to 12 hours after ingestion, and since it is ingested three times during the day; a strong, slow, cascading effect time releases the oxygen continuously. Hydroxygen Plus spreads throughout the body before being used up reacting with the closest thing, and the reaction is almost catalytic and self perpetuating due to the action of the Deuterium. This insures the user a more complete and slower burn of the offending microbes and toxins into their basic elements, without the intermediate by product irritant side effects. Speaking of side effects, compared to all the side effects you can get from using pharmaceutical drugs, Hydroxygen Plus supplementation is remarkably benign. There is no known toxicity for Hydroxygen Plus when used properly. Some modern users taking up to 25 drops three times a day report only sleeping more, and having a deeper sleep during the initial detoxification period.Of course this measured release pattern of activity also includes a steady flow of ionic state full spectrum minerals, enzymes, amino acids, nutrients and hydrogen ions to every part of the body, which are so very necessary to building the immune system and repairing the body. It is understood that the body can and actually does rebuild itself every 11 months. If one takes the Hydroxygen Plus every day for 11 months, that would supply the body with a fine base of most of the elements and nutrients hat it needs to fix itself. You should, of course, also eat a healthy diet.
3. Rapid availability of hydrogen, minerals, trace minerals, enzymes, deuterons, and amino acids for building tissues and cells.
The body needs a constant source of nascent hydrogen and minerals and trace minerals and enzymes and amino acids to repair itself. Our present food sources are woefully inadequate at delivering them. Hydroxygen Plus takes the water in the body, the H2O2, and breaks it down into hydrogen and oxygen, H2 + O1, and releases both into the body! Not only does this action release the nascent oxygen like all other oxygen therapies, but unlike the other oxygen therapies, Hydroxygen Plus also has the extremely important plus factor of delivering the vital and necessary nascent hydrogen! The hydrogen is needed by the body to use in building and repairing the immune system, and of course the body's organs, its structure, and cells. The Hydroxygen Plus solution also delivers an easily assimilated ionic blast of aerobic proteins, 17 amino acids, 35 enzymes, 78 major and trace elemental minerals and deuterons, electrolytes, and dissolved oxygen.
4. Small convenient size.
Since the Hydroxygen Plus does not contain the oxygen itself, Hydroxygen Plus concentrate comes in smaller volume packaging than most therapies and due to the time release factor, has more overall punch than its bulky competitors. This convenient size packaging allows consumers the everyday real world ease of only dropping a one ounce tiny plastic bottle into their pocket or purse, to always be at hand during the busy day. No bulky containers, complicated mixing procedures, or clinic visits are needed to use Hydroxygen Plus three or more times a day.
To show you how important this Hydroxygen Plus formula is, consider this. In 1991 Dr. Aristo Vojdai, PhD, Vice-President of Immunosciences Lab, Inc.observed "significant increases in T-cells with increasing dosages of HydroxygenPlus! "
Know any athletes, dancers, or exercise enthusiasts?
Just a few pleasant, lemon-tasting drops of Hydroxygen Plus every day, taken with consistency and for a few months to get the maximum effect, and watch the cleansing and building processes begin, and then continue. I had been using Hydroxygen Plus on myself for several weeks, and after a long period of little to no exercise, I found myself doing an extremely strenuous mountain climb last summer. I thought from the pain upon ascent, followed by the even stronger pain of the descent, that I would be very sore for weeks because of demanding serious output from muscles I hadn't used in a long time. I climbed up this huge mountain and came back down. I had to keep stopping, and I was so sore. I was afraid of the muscles locking up but they never did. Surprise! I'd been on the Hydroxygen Plus. The next day, I had just a tiny bit of soreness. In fact, almost no soreness. The body will make the right kind of aerobic ATP, which, upon exertion, produces only a tiny bit of lactic acid soreness when you are feeding it plenty of oxygen for weeks before you exercise.
Since then I told my friends about Hydroxygen Plus's amazing ability to eliminate soreness. My friend Michelle is a ballerina who has been dancing for over 30 years. Most people don't know it, because the dance is so beautiful, but most ballerinas are in constant pain from sore muscles, bruises, twists and sprains, and the pains get increasingly worse with age. It just is assumed to be part of the price paid that goes with the professional dancer territory. Guess what? Although all her dancing friends are in constant soreness or pain, she started taking the Hydroxygen Plus and has blissfully escaped her former, always sore, condition. I also use it externally to speed healing of wounds, and Everett Storey said you could paint Hydroxygen Plus on burns, rashes and tumors with an artist's brush.
Remember that Hydroxygen Plus has been tested and used daily for years. It is a product proven over 42 years, and its use generated hundreds of positive reports.

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